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How to Make Gratitude A Part of Your Dailey Life

Gratitude has no shortage of benefits. It decreases stress and other negative emotions, helps calm nerves, improves social relationships, physical health, and so much more. But what exactly is gratitude?  Is it something anyone can practice?  Does it actually need to become a daily part of life? Dr. Snehal Kumar, a licensed psychologist, explains gratitude […]

Word of the Month: Strength

A primary definition of “Strength” is: The quality or state of being physically strong While this is an absolute truth, being strong moves far beyond the physical. Clearly, I believe in the importance of muscular strength and have built a career around teaching it daily. I know you will agree that the power of one’s […]

Word of the Month: Power

The ability to act or produce an effect    Physical might : strength “Everyone has some inner power awaiting discovery” – Richard Paul Evans When we hear the word “Power,” it’s easy to connect to its sole meaning as being either a physical force, an external strength, or a privilege given to authority. The outward expression […]

Word of the Month: Possibility

Possibility: the state or fact of being likely or possible; likelihood I believe that the possibilities of what we can accomplish, who we have the potential to become, and how committed we choose to maneuver our way through our lives are endless.  I love this quote by Thomas Edison: When you’ve exhausted all of the […]

Word of the Month: Listen

    Mindful and present listening is truly challenging, and vastly important. This is why I’ve set a few intentions for August, to work on it in reflection of our Dailey Method word of the month “listen”. I intend to stay present when listening to others, allowing them to be truly heard without injecting my […]

Word of the Month: Create

Create: to bring (something) into existence I love this word for this particular month. Not only is it officially summer, but also FINALLY, most parts of our world are opening up. With fewer commitments and restrictions, there is literally more space in our lives to focus on the beautiful creativity that lives within each and […]

Word of the Month: Reflect

Reflect: to think quietly and calmly – to realize, consider to express a thought or opinion resulting from reflection    I always appreciate when I ask someone a hard question, and their answer is “let me reflect on it and get back to you”. Reflection is such a powerful tool that I personally aim to […]

Word of the Month: Support

Support- it’s something we all need. The support of the earth working in opposition to our muscles to hold us upright, the support of our beds to allow us to soften and sleep, the support of people in our lives to help us grow, love, and feel safe. For many people, asking others or allowing […]

Word of the Month: Compassion

Talk to yourself as you would to someone you love. — Brene Brown   The meaning of compassion is to recognize that there is suffering and then to take action to help. It means embodying a tangible expression of love for those who are suffering. As I reflect on this word and our theme for […]

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