A primary definition of “Strength” is: The quality or state of being physically strong

While this is an absolute truth, being strong moves far beyond the physical. Clearly, I believe in the importance of muscular strength and have built a career around teaching it daily. I know you will agree that the power of one’s ability to hold a plank for 60-90 seconds takes a tremendous amount of physical strength, yet it also takes mental strength. While you’re in the plank, your mind is continually working to assess how you can achieve better alignment and deeper engagement to continue to hold the posture successfully. It is one of the places in our classes where you may not be moving at all, except you are strengthening almost every single muscle in your body!

A big part of what November’s Word of the Month, “Strength” means to me – is perseverance. It’s reminding yourself that you are good enough, brave enough, and strong enough to overcome any obstacle. Strength is realizing you are capable of whatever you set your mind to. It’s embodying the tenacity to continue moving forward with regards to whatever you are hoping to accomplish!

Strengths within us are each and every one of the qualities and abilities we possess that help us forge ahead to make us successful, despite life circumstances. Individual strengths are unique to all and vary from person to person as we all shine in different areas. 

Can you think of three strengths that you possess? 

For me, I came up with: 

  1. Compassion
  2. Determination
  3. Creativity

This month I strive to share an opportunity with you that will undoubtedly support you with gaining strength. To feel stronger than you did a day or even a month ago and help you use this to your advantage in all aspects of your life. My hope is that it will set you up for success and guide you to conquer each of the time constraints and potential stresses of the upcoming Holiday season. (Can you believe they are upon us?!?) 

Join me for the all-new Dailey Strength Challenge! In just 20 minutes a day, this program will build on itself yet be accessible to repeat each week for your continual quick fix through the next two months and will assuredly complement your daily practice. If you start with me on November 8th, you will have 8 weeks to be the strongest you as you close out 2021! Dailey Strength Challenge will supply you with continued mental and physical growth, whether you have time constraints or simply need that extra boost due to the indulgence that the Holidays bring into our lives.

You’ll find strength in stillness…

…Hone strength in your alignment

…Discover small muscles that stabilize the strength you uncover

…Play with strength as it pertains to resistance

…Use larger muscle groups and move in a larger range of motion

…And you’ll receive a cardiovascular boost to help increase your heart rate

I designed this program to best support you with moving your body, increasing your strength (mentally and physically), and keeping your metabolism high to burn a few extra calories rolling through the Holiday months. Best of all, I made sure you could accomplish this in only 20 minutes a day. With shorter days and busy schedules, this program is still achievable.

Access this program here, and if you are a current Online subscriber, check your email for a special offer! 

With strength, determination, and support from your Dailey Method community, You’ve got this!

