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Word of the Month: SHINE!

  SHINE:  to give forth or glow with light; shed or cast light. to be bright with reflected light; glisten; sparkle. noun – radiance or brightness caused by emitted or reflected light.   SHINE bright with us!  At The Dailey Method we SHINE for three weeks every Fall!   While the word SHINE has several […]

Word of the Month: Create

Create |krēˈāt|verb   Bring (something) into existence cause (something) to happen as a result of one’s actions   The picture above is from my 50th Birthday celebration. It encompasses so much of what the word “Create” means to me. I gathered 16 of my favorite women from many different stages in my life to share in […]

Word of the Month: Invest

Investing in yourself, sends a powerful message to both yourself and to the world. It says: The value and potential that I possess is hugely important to me. Because of this, I will give myself the energy, space and time to grow so I inevitably create the results I desire. The word “Invest” is usually […]

Word of the Month: Empower

Empowerment is a pathway to feeling accomplished, confident, supported and happy. One of the primary reasons I love what I do so much is because I am gifted a daily opportunity to help empower my students to become stronger, more confident and ultimately more at peace within themselves. More personally, this chosen word of the […]

Word of the Month: Envision

Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be. -Joy Page   The word of the month for May is Envision. I believe that “Envisioning” positive or amazing outcomes is a powerful tool for self growth – both in our Dailey Method practice and in our lives. When we focus […]

Word of the Month: Realign

Alignment is something we always strive for at The Dailey Method. Together, we aim to guide you towards optimal alignment of your body, mind AND heart. We teach all of our classes based on our Alignment principles outlined in the acronym “AEM” –  Align. Engage. Move. One step at a time, we take you through […]

Word of the Month: LOVE

I know….. LOVE for February, maybe not so original? Yes, we think of this month about Valentines day – the love we have for one another or for a significant other. It’s hugely important to have others in our lives that we love and what a beautiful thing to have a special day each year […]

Word of the Month: Transcend

The purpose of life is not to transcend the body, but to embody the transcendent. -H.H. Dalai Lama The word Transcend is a little esoteric, I know, but when it is embraced it has the potential to be transforming. Life is beautiful and amazing, but it also can be difficult and overwhelming. To be able […]

Word of the Month: Compassion

  If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama Compassion is a hot topic right now. And that absolutely lights me up. I feel like I inherently am, and definitely want to be, a compassionate person. But that is not always the easiest route. […]

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