Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.

-Joy Page


The word of the month for May is Envision. I believe that “Envisioning” positive or amazing outcomes is a powerful tool for self growth – both in our Dailey Method practice and in our lives. When we focus internally on where we want to be, it allows us the space to make incremental changes towards our goals.

I like to envision what I want and make this my first step towards manifestation. If I envision how I want my life to be, the way I intend to show up in the world, or what I hope to accomplish, then it helps me believe it will happen. Manifestation comes from belief – and I trust how this process works. I have called some of the best things into my life through the power of manifestation. I’m not saying it’s perfect, immediate, or that there aren’t ruts on the path. Instead, it’s vision and focus that steers me along the right track and guides me to create incremental changes that ultimately lead me closer to my goals. I use the word “incremental”- because I know instant gratification isn’t realistic or what is necessarily right for me.

There are many ways to use envisioning as a tool to continue to grow:

  • Envision being STRONG in every movement you do, regardless of how you feel. The power of your mind is limitless. You can always do more than you think you can.
  • Envision being ALIGNED as you move through any situation or posture. Alignment starts with foundation, so ground through the four corners of your feet to feel yourself centered and lengthen from there. In any position in class or situation in life, this will help you make the necessary shifts towards better alignment and presence.
  • Envision yourself as your own best cheerleader and know you can do it! I don’t think I’m alone in this…. my kids aren’t as grateful as I wish them to be. So instead of berating them I envision what they’ll be thinking when they’re older – “Wow, Mom’s food was amazing” – “I loved clean clothes that were folded so nicely!” – “I have the best Mom ever!”. Envisioning the future in a positive light makes the process more fun and lifts you up in any moment!
  • Envision a time or chapter in your life that you felt your absolute BEST. Attach to the feeling not the surroundings or circumstances. Embrace the feeling so that you leave whatever situation you’re in feeling filled up with positive energy to keep you in the NOW.

And last but not least, I love that I am consistently inspired by Dailey Method owners. 

Kiley Lucan, owner of the Cow Hollow TDM wrote what she Envisions and I had to share it. She writes:

“We envision not from a need to prove ourselves but from a place of worthiness and celebration of our inner potential. We draw out this potential in ourselves and in others when we create tangible pictures of what this future could look like.”

Don’t you LOVE that??

Presence and alignment is what I’m envisioning right now for my future.

What do you Envision?


