Investing in yourself, sends a powerful message to both yourself and to the world. It says: The value and potential that I possess is hugely important to me. Because of this, I will give myself the energy, space and time to grow so I inevitably create the results I desire.

The word “Invest” is usually associated with finances or relates to what we do for our business, homes and our children. Its meaning, however, also applies to the investment we make in the use of our time and our intentions. In fact, this can be the most powerful type of investment we each make. To invest in ourselves, who we are, who we want to become and how we want to show up in the world undoubtedly has a lasting impact.

Investing in ourselves and placing great importance on integrating this habit as a life practice, provides us one of the best returns. Whether it’s taking time to create or learn a new skill, hire a coach or dive deeper into personal or professional development, all are hugely worthwhile. We must give to ourselves first before we have enough to share with others. It is our responsibility to make the space to hone our gifts and talents so that we can best serve the people in our lives most important to us. Plus it makes us a better person out in the world. Self-investment is an example of self-love. You must love yourself before you can expect others to love you.

My intention to invest in my own self this summer had me asking these questions: What will build me up? What will make me stronger? How will more confidence and capability allow me to show up as the best version of myself for everyone in my life, and most especially – for myself? I often time repeat mantras to myself, this month they are: Love More. Care More. Trust My Intuition. Be Fearless. Seek Happiness. Focus on Appreciation and Gratitude. The answers that came to me personally for self investment were:

Quality time with family:

This summer I took a trip to Bassy France to celebrate my niece’s wedding. My niece, Sarah, and sister, Kelly, own the Dailey Method Studio in Paris. Personally, it wasn’t the easiest time for me to take a trip to Europe, but I believe in the importance of prioritizing time with the people we love and who love us in return. It was important for my family and I that I be present for the festivities and I’m so glad I was! Being with my family fills me up and it is imperative to nurture those relationships.

Pictured: me with my sisters and grand-nephew in France

High on my priority list is quality time with my children. My son, Julius, told me that he really wanted to learn how to cook. Instead of spending the energy and money for a camp for him, we decided to do it together. Next week, we are going to cook something together each day. He’ll choose the menus, we’ll go to the farmer’s market and grocery store so that he can do the shopping and we’ll make everything as a team. I’ll invest in guiding him to learn these new skills and I know the quality time that I get to spend with him will definitely reap rewards. Greater connection with my son, helping him become more confident and competent and an in house chef is a definite win, win! 

You can follow my stories next week to see our progress on instagram.

Always be a Student:

This is a huge part of my life and something I continue to put energy into and the best part is – it doesn’t always come with a cost! 

In order to continue my personal investment on self awareness I signed up for a free meditation series with Oprah Winfrey and Deepak Chopra. I’ve participated in these in the past and feel like I get a lot out of their teachings! I hugely appreciate the wisdom both of them continue to impart. I’ve signed up for their 21 day series starting on Monday the 15th called the Relationship Meditation Series.

I also enrolled for a mini course called  5 Truths of Transformation by the founder of The Hivery, which is a collaborative and creative co-working space in Mill Valley, CA. I haven’t started it yet, but Grace Kraaijvanger is a brilliant business woman that created an amazing concept so I know I want to hear what she has to say!

If you want suggestions for investing in yourself to support “always being a student” check out: Basics of Barre/ Basics of Cycle by The Dailey Method! These are intimate training platforms for all those who are passionate about The Dailey Method and for anyone ready to take their practice to the next level. Investing in this course will help you develop and deepen your own personal practice and will take you on a journey meant to support you in finding optimal alignment inside and out! The Basics of Barre and/or Basics of Cycle by The Dailey Method are being held in Loudoun, VA on September 13th-15th and Fairfax, California on October 27th-29th. This intensive study of our full-body barre and/or cycle workout will help you stay strong and fit as you learn the ins and outs of the most sustainable fitness method for life. Invest now!

Visit for more information and to receive an early bird pricing discount of 10% for either location – but hurry! Discounted pricing for Loudoun ends on Monday, July 15th and for Fairfax on August 21st.

Anatomy4Fitness is another great tool for anyone that loves learning more about the body, the way it moves and how to stay aligned and engaged. Kerry  Corcoran, co-owner of Berkeley and Lamorinda, California studios, continually engages with her students to keep them growing and learning even after you’ve finished the series. Use this link to sign up and receive 20% off the entire course at checkout!

When you’re willing to say yes and take that leap of faith to invest in yourself first, you 100% profit from all that the universe has in store for you. Do it now and have fun!

