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April Word of The Month: Kindle

“You Have the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams!” ― Tae Yun Kim Our Dailey Method word of the month for April is KINDLE. With the inception of Spring we think of rebirth, awakening and change. We all have this capacity within ourselves but we need the spark of desire, motivation and belief in order to […]

Sayulita- My Happiest Place

Last week was the 4th Annual Dailey Method Women’s Health and Happiness Retreat in Sayulita Mexico. This has truly become one of the highlights of my year and with each passing year the experience becomes even more special to me. This year is was such a success we’ve decided to do two retreats next year […]

Fit Tip: How to Deepen your Stretches by Staying Engaged

Some people have the false assumption that stretching is the passive portion of a Dailey Method class – but the opposite could not be more true! Staying engaged while you stretch will increase the safety of the stretch, the stability of the ligaments and tendons, and also optimize muscular length. Engaging a muscle on one […]

March Word of the Month: Deepen

I’m going to begin introducing a Dailey Method Studio owner each month as a guest blogger, to offer our communities more exposure to the inspiration, knowledge and lifestyles of Dailey Methods around the globe. Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Carly Goidosik. She is the owner of the Birmingham, Michigan Studio and has written […]

Blog: Tips on Self Care

Source It’s incredibly important to take the time and energy to take care of yourself in order to be able to show up and take care of the others in your life. It’s not healthy to give away what you haven’t first given to yourself. I have a lot of people that rely on me […]

We Love You "Just the Way You Are"!

February is about LOVE! We tend to think about this month and the Valentines Holiday as loving others, but the most important person we can truly love is ourselves. When we love ourselves we have a much greater capacity to love others. In February our Dailey Method message is “just the way you are” to […]

February Word of the Month: Play

“Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein This is a word that definitely resonates for me. I love to play. Laughing is a form of play and is one of my favorite things – to do, to hear and to inspire. Play = fun and who doesn’t like fun? There are quite […]

The Best Products of 2015

Today, I am sharing all of my favorite items from last year. I have shared some of these before… but the best remains the best, right? Dino Skirt Pant This is knowingly one of my favorite brands. This item is not a 2015 item, it’s a forever item! I travel a lot and want to be […]

January Word of the Month: Intention

“Our intention creates our reality.” – Wayne Dyer With the onset of each New Year, there is always discussion about what your resolutions are.  What you’re going to do differently this year as opposed to the last. The definition of resolutions is, “a firm decision to do or not do something” and speaking for myself, […]

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