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I’m going to begin introducing a Dailey Method Studio owner each month as a guest blogger, to offer our communities more exposure to the inspiration, knowledge and lifestyles of Dailey Methods around the globe. Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Carly Goidosik. She is the owner of the Birmingham, Michigan Studio and has written a great blog for our WOM Deepen.

Over to Carly…

There could not be a better word for me than deepen. In my own teaching, body and life, I strive for depth. I have an actual hunger to dig deeper—to find intimacy.

At The Dailey Method, I love that our classes take me deeper in my mind and in my muscles. I feel most successful as a teacher when students tell me that they really felt a position in class or felt it in a way they never had before.

We can apply this same depth in other areas of our lives.

First, I encourage you to identify three areas where you want to grow or go deeper.

Now write them down.

Even if it is scribbled on a scrap piece of paper or noted in the back of your planner, when you write something down you will be more intentional. Maybe you need some help in figuring out a specific area or what ways you can find growth or depth. Here are a few examples to get you started:

In your practice:

If you are a veteran student, take a Basics class. I know it sounds counter-intuitive, but Basic classes are a great reset for your practice. As I often say while teaching, basic does not mean easy. In fact, I often leave a Dailey Basic class feeling humbled. When you strip away the fancy choreography and hold positions longer, you get to truly focus on you: refining your form, and going deeper in your muscles.

If you are newer to the practice, go outside your comfort zone. As soon as you feel confident with your alignment in a Basic class, try Barre. When you feel more comfortable in a Barre class, try a Dailey Interval, Dailey Cycle, or Dailey + (if you are lucky enough to have these classes at your studio).

Whoever you are, put your mind to your muscles in class. Close your eyes often. Forget your to-do list. Be selfish with your hour. Go inward. THINK about the muscles you are working while you are working them. And then reflect on how amazing you feel in final resting pose. As you lie there after a great class where you were truly present, notice how you feel in mind, body, and spirit. Notice the next day if your muscles feel more sore than usual.

In your relationships with friends and family:

What relationships are most important to you? Focus on up to three relationships you want to nurture or deepen and then identify one way you can feel more intimate to those special people in your life. Call your best friend. Truly listen to what your partner is saying. Ask your mom to go shopping. Set your phone down when you are playing with your kids. I recently read this article about a mother paying attentions that brought tears to my eyes. If you are mom and you want to feel more connected to your kids, I highly encourage you to read it too. There are lots of simple ways to dig in a little deeper with the people you love.

In your relationship with yourself:

Are you guilty of trying to do everything on your own? No one can “do it all” on their own. And it’s impossible to “do it all” on their own and continue to grow in a purposeful way. I used to live under the false assumption that I could… until I hit a wall with a 14-month-old trying to run a business without child care, maintain a healthy marriage, and stay afloat with my household chores. Not only did I lose focus on my own happiness, I was living in survival mode. Growth is impossible when we operate in survival mode.

To truly deepen your relationship with yourself, you need support and you need to make it a priority. Self-care and self-love are necessary for a fulfilling life.

I am better able to focus on my own happiness because I surround myself with a team: my business coach Lara Galloway, childcare 3 days a week, my husband, an angel who cleans my house twice a month. I have also hired a marketing genius, a business consultant, and an accountant. And we recently promoted a studio manager, studio director and lead teacher.

Today I feel more connected to my family and my business than ever. You probably don’t need all the same team members, but you have to ask for and receive help. Asking and receiving support is not a sign of weakness, it actually takes a great deal of courage. While it is not always in our nature, if we want to dig deeper in any task or relationship, it is essential.

I challenge you this month to focus on up to three areas in your life where you can really dig in and learn your own definition of deepen.

— Carly Goidosik, Studio Owner – The Dailey Method Birmingham