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Join Me For Another LIVE Q & A

Grab a glass of wine or a cup of tea and join us for another LIVE Facebook Q & A on how to stay summer strong Tuesday night. To join the event: 1. RSVP 2. Login to your Facebook account on July 12th 3. Open this event page 4. Post your questions or comments to the […]

July Word of The Month: Move

July is a month that generally includes a ton of travel or time with family and friends that can sometimes pull us away from our regular routine. I chose “MOVE” for the word of the month for July to inspire us to get up and dance, walk, run, play and swim. To keep our Dailey […]

Father's Day Reflection

With Father’s Day just around the corner, I’ve been reflecting on my connection with my own Dad, John Dailey, who passed away a few years ago (see my blog post on What My Father Taught Me). Still, not a day goes by that I don’t think about him and miss him. I know without a […]

Align & Shine Challenge Testimonials

9 Days later and I’m still reaping some rewards of our Dailey Method international Align & Shine Challenge. One of them being given the opportunity to hear how something we created- for fun and for community- ended up having a beautiful impact on so many people. And, how it even moved forward from there! Here […]

June Word of The Month: Reflect

I chose the word REFLECT for June because I would love to have everyone that participated in the Align and Shine Challenge join me with intention to reflect on our experiences. We grow by reflection, by thinking about what we did right, and what we did wrong (or where we could grow). What felt great, […]

Authenticity At Its Best: Heather Hemmer

There are times when I go out to dinner with new friends or a group of colleagues and choose to pass on dessert or that second glass of wine. I get a variety of comments from, “You are so good.. how can you not eat dessert??” to “You look great, why are you skipping dessert? […]

May Word of The Month: Shine

“Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter.” ― Katelyn S. (Irons) Bolds I picked the WOM this month to reflect how we want to feel from our efforts during The Dailey Method Align & Shine Challenge. Make it a daily practice to take care […]

Recap: Align & Shine Challenge Facebook Pre Party with Jill

Last Tuesday night, I held a Pre Party on Facebook for any questions you may have had about our upcoming Align and Shine Challenge (challenge starts Monday, May 2nd). If you didn’t get to join us, here is a peek at a few of our conversations. Question: Jill I love my wine and like most things it’s […]

Join Us For The Align and Shine Challenge!

  I’m getting excited for our upcoming Align and Shine Challenge running May 2nd-May 29th! I love the idea of bringing Dailey Method enthusiasts from around the world together to make a mindful attempt to improve one’s health and happiness. To deepen our alignment of Soul and Spine and Head and Heart. I hope you […]

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