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“You Have the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams!” ― Tae Yun Kim

Our Dailey Method word of the month for April is KINDLE.

With the inception of Spring we think of rebirth, awakening and change. We all have this capacity within ourselves but we need the spark of desire, motivation and belief in order to make it happen. We need to KINDLE our belief in our capacities in order to expand and find our true potential.

I challenge us to use the month of April to find our focus or create a new one, but in order to do so, we need to stoke the fire. Find the ember which is already aflame- the motivation that drives you- and help it burn brighter.  Succumb to the process, follow your guidance and provoke change both in you and around you.

Starting the fire can be scary. Life can be painful. Love can be painful. TDM class after a long vacation can be painful! 😉

Will you run from fear of the embers taking hold? Or practice courage and stoke it? Victor Frankl said: “What is to give light must endure burning.” Feel the transformative power of starting to kindle your desires and potential: Let it scare you. Let it hurt you. Let it pull you. Let it change you.

Ask yourself these questions:

– What lights me up?

– What turns me on?

– What am I passionate about?

Use your answers to discover the “kindling” that is most meaningful to you and can help guide you in the direction you want to go!

Dedicate your TDM practice to stoking those life-qualities with the same commitment and resolve you use to develop a muscle.

“Fall. Stand. Learn. Adapt.” ― Mike Norton

It might not be perfect, you might mess up, it might take longer than you think but each time you start the spark,but stoke the fire you will ultimately be progressing.

Spend this month stoking your fire and get ready next month to SHINE!

With Love,

— Jill