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Purposeful Planning

Purposeful Planning is a process that enables us to achieve our goals effectively and efficiently; it is something I’ve always leaned on in developing The Dailey Method and something I highly benefit from when incorporated into my daily life. Purposeful Planning involves developing strategies to reach a desired outcome, breaking it down into smaller, more […]

Tune In

To “Tune In” means to become more aware or attentive to a particular aspect of yourself or your surroundings. It entails focusing your attention and being fully present in the moment. When you allow yourself to tune in, you become more mindful of your thoughts, emotions, physical sensations and the environment around you. It is […]

Reside In Your Strength

To Reside In Your Strength means to focus on, and make the most of your natural abilities, skills and talents. When we are able to embrace our strengths instead of focusing on our weaknesses, we are able to channel our energy to areas that interest and excite us, which are generally what we’re good at. […]

Know Your Why

What is the value in “knowing your why”?  Our “why” is essentially the core reason for why we do what we do. It’s the underlying motivation behind our actions and decisions and can be a powerful tool for staying focused and motivated. When you “know your why” it’s easier to have a sense of purpose. […]

Find Your Edge

Happy New Year! This is the time of year that many people tend to set goals and challenge themselves. Whether it’s trying something new, releasing an unwanted habit or simply practicing a different frame of mind for any aspect of your life, you can benefit from focusing on “finding your edge” with these new strived-for […]

Give Yourself Grace

“Give Yourself Grace” This time of year can be pretty crazy! We can create unrealistic ideas of what we should do or what things should look like, then put high expectations on ourselves to make everything happen perfectly. When the scenarios we’ve created don’t play out as planned, we get down on ourselves. Instead of […]

Theme of the Month: Appreciate the Now

“When you make the present moment, instead of the past and future, the focal point of your life, your ability to enjoy what you do and with it the quality of your life increases dramatically.” – Ekhart Tolle Most (likely all) of us have endless to-do lists, future goals, and past regrets. When we allow […]

Ignite Your Glow

We’re just over a week into our annual Align and Shine challenge! I hope all participants are feeling your glow.  Our “ignite your glow” theme this month can be navigated brilliantly with Katina’s words of wisdom: Ignite your best parts.  Dim the ones that keep you small.  Trust in uncertain paths.  And forge fully into […]

Theme of the Month: Reflective Ritual

This is a transitional season when many of us start reflecting on the end of the year. Summer is winding down and, along with it, vacations and the downtime that summer beckons us into. Transitioning from summer to fall can feel constricted, intense and often overwhelming as the end of the year busyness starts to […]

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