To Reside In Your Strength means to focus on, and make the most of your natural abilities, skills and talents. When we are able to embrace our strengths instead of focusing on our weaknesses, we are able to channel our energy to areas that interest and excite us, which are generally what we’re good at. The ability to hone in on and nurture your strength inevitably leads to greater fulfillment, satisfaction and success. 

Identify your strengths:

The first step in residing in your strength is identifying what your strengths are. This may be something that comes naturally to you. Personally, I find the closest connection to my strength when I pause or slow down. I know one of my greatest strengths is as a teacher. It’s what I love to do, lights me up, and therefore it’s what I’ve put most of my energy towards. I never want to stop. It’s the only reason WHY I have the Dailey Method. When I can affect positive movement, strong bodies, mental wellness and community, I know that’s where I can make my true difference in the world.

Celebrate your successes:

Once you have identified your strengths, it’s important to celebrate your successes. Recognize where and when you’re making a difference in your own life and in the lives of others. Take a pause and be grateful. Be aware of your inner voice that highlights these successes. Believe in your uniqueness and embrace it. Make the most of what you have to offer. 

Use your strengths in new ways:

Residing in your strength doesn’t mean that you should only focus on what you already know how to do. In fact, using your strengths in new and challenging ways can help you grow and develop even further.

We all have something special to contribute to the world and can help the world be a richer, more positive place each individual strength at a time. 

Embrace your weaknesses:

While it’s important to focus on your strengths, it’s also important to acknowledge your weaknesses–this is a strength in itself. Be okay in pushing your boundaries, or in becoming uncomfortable–because great growth can come from that place of discomfort.

Surround yourself with positivity:

Finally, it’s important to surround yourself with positivity in order to reside in your strength. Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you, and who share your values and goals. This will help you stay motivated and inspired, and will make it easier to maintain a positive outlook even when facing challenges.  

Residing in your strength takes time and effort, but it’s well worth it. By focusing on your strengths and celebrating your successes, you can help others build confidence, resilience, and a sense of purpose. By sharing your gifts you are able to make not only a positive impact on your own life but also on the lives of others. 

I believe (and have witnessed) that by inspiring strength in individuals, be it actual muscular physical strength or strength in their belief of what they can do, it can transform their lives.

To support you in your physical strength, this month I want to offer you (3) opportunities to take 5 minutes away from what you’re doing and focus on your own muscular power. To challenge your strength and build it, all while staying true to alignment and barely making a dent in your schedule. It may also give you that energy, metabolic and breath break you truly need to continue with all of the productivity that’s required of you every day.

All you need is a set of weights, a mat and an alarm clock (to make yourself accountable to show up! )

I will be teaching these 3 separate 5 minute classes on Dailey Online on: Thursdays March 2nd, 9th and 16 at 10:15AM PST. If you can’t make the time, they will be saved in our library. And at the end of the three weeks you can opt to put them together as one 15 minute workout or or do them separately as your life allows time.

If you’re not an online subscriber don’t worry! Just comment here with your email address and I’ll send all three to you at the end of the series.

Challenge yourself to see what a simple 5 minute strength boost can add to your day! On your time, just for you!

Go out there, trust in your strengths, share them out and thrive! I believe in you. 🙌

