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Savor the Moment

Our August focus is ‘Savor the Moment’, let’s work to hone this skill together!!!  Learning to appreciate all of the small moments in life is a convenient, free, and effective way to increase your happiness and overall quality of life. Dedicating time to savor every ounce of joy in little and large yet mundane pleasures […]

Nurture Yourself

I believe that almost everyone inherently knows the importance of nurturing oneself. Yet knowledge doesn’t always translate into action, at least not as a consistent practice. As a society we tend to prioritize helping others before assessing our own individual needs, whether that is physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual or practical. When we take the time to […]

Finding Balance

Achieving balance is difficult. I think this is especially true as we get older, both literally and figuratively, since we eventually come to understand that there is no such thing as finding a perfect balance – in anything! We begin to understand that finding true fulfillment in our lives is all about understanding when we […]

Healthy Body - Healthy Mind

May is mental health month and marks a moment in time where critical awareness is placed on such an important focus. The well-being of so many people in our lives is dependent upon how much attention we set on supporting ourselves and each other both during blissful and challenging times as well as amidst joy […]


When we chose our April theme for our studios: Self Care, Earth Care – I was inspired first by how widely understood it is that it positively impacts everyone around us when we commit to our own self-care. As I’ve gotten older, I have realized that oftentimes taking care of myself in the healthiest of […]

Celebrate Community

  Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much Hellen Keller Community is an integral component to having a happy and healthy life. If we didn’t believe this fact before the pandemic, this truth was highlighted for everyone over the past two years as we experienced isolation and distance from others. […]

Body Positivity

  At The Dailey Method, join us as we set our focus on a truly inspirational and powerful movement throughout February – Body Positivity! We generally compile our marketing calendar with these types of themes and ideas months in advance and were thrilled to learn that our fitness apparel friends at Athleta – via celebrity […]

Begin Again

As you’re probably aware, there is no shortage of marketing out there that sets up January as a time to reset after holiday indulgences or getting off track with respect to goals. I also know that none of us are strangers to the catch phrase, “New Year, New You!”  Both, in my opinion, imply a […]

Word of the Month: Believe

“Remember that what you believe will depend very much on what you are.” Noah Porter Positive beliefs in oneself are integral to accomplishment. The belief we have in WHO we are as a person, friend, colleague, mom, dad, sister etc.… and HOW we choose to act, live, impact and walk in the world plays a […]

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