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January Word of the Month: Intention

“Our intention creates our reality.” – Wayne Dyer With the onset of each New Year, there is always discussion about what your resolutions are.  What you’re going to do differently this year as opposed to the last. The definition of resolutions is, “a firm decision to do or not do something” and speaking for myself, […]

December Word of the Month: LOVE

Fall in Love! LOVE is our December word of the month. Think for a minute about the expression “fall in love” and what that takes. We don’t climb into love, or effort into love – we fall. To “fall” we really have to do three things: Allow, Trust and Surrender. Love is a theme during […]

November Word of the Month: Discover

“Your work is to discover your world and then with all your heart give yourself to it.” – Buddha The beginning of Winter is an opportune time to DISCOVER our own inner landscape. Nature uses Winter as a time of nurturing and regenerating, and we can do the same – tuning inward to discover ourselves. […]

October Word of the Month: Balance

“It’s all about balance.” How often do you hear that? Say that? We spend a lot of time and energy trying to understand and achieve “balance” in life – but finding balance is a journey not a destination; a practice not an achievement. Balance is not about either where we were or where we are […]

September Word of the Month: Opposition

“Strong people are made by opposition like kites that go up against the wind.” – Frank Harris, Photo credit Opposition gets a bad rap. Given a choice, most of us would choose peace and harmony over opposition. But choosing to embrace opposition – physically, professionally, personally, and spiritually – can really prepare us to fly like […]

#exploredailey Round-Up

In honor of our word of the month, Explore, we asked you to share your social posts with us using the hashtag #exploredailey. It was so fun to see where you all ventured out into the our big wide world! Here are a few of our favorite pictures from this month. A huge thanks to […]

August Word of the Month: Explore

“To go where you’ve never been, you’ve got to do what you’ve never done.” Our August word of the month is EXPLORE, and what better way to “explore” than with all that “free” energy we’ve been inviting throughout the month of July! Merriam-Webster defines explore as: – To look at something in a careful way […]

July Word of the Month: Free

“All good things are wild and free.” – Henry David Thoreau Close your eyes and think of the last place you remember feeling really FREE. Where were you? What did that place look like? Smell like? How did you feel there? What do you remember about that place that made you feel different? Now stand up […]

June Word of the Month: Brave

“It takes courage to become who you really are” – E.E. Cummings Have you ever found yourself thinking about someone else – “Wow, he or she is really brave” – as they did something you view as remarkable, seemingly without any fear at all? It’s easy to hear the word “brave” and attach it to […]

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