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September Word of the Month: Balance

BALANCE is our word of the month for September. I feel like it’s the perfect word for this time of year because fall is a time where summer vacations have ended, kids are back in school, work picks up full steam and finding a new rhythm of balance becomes increasingly challenging – but it’s essential […]

August Word of the Month: Aspire

  “To desire is to obtain, to aspire is to achieve.” – James Allen ASPIRE is The Dailey Method word of the month for August. I love this word because it drives the idea of directing one’s hopes and ambitions toward achieving a goal. It’s the intention of focusing on something towering and big that […]

July Word of The Month: Move

July is a month that generally includes a ton of travel or time with family and friends that can sometimes pull us away from our regular routine. I chose “MOVE” for the word of the month for July to inspire us to get up and dance, walk, run, play and swim. To keep our Dailey […]

Father's Day Reflection

With Father’s Day just around the corner, I’ve been reflecting on my connection with my own Dad, John Dailey, who passed away a few years ago (see my blog post on What My Father Taught Me). Still, not a day goes by that I don’t think about him and miss him. I know without a […]

June Word of The Month: Reflect

I chose the word REFLECT for June because I would love to have everyone that participated in the Align and Shine Challenge join me with intention to reflect on our experiences. We grow by reflection, by thinking about what we did right, and what we did wrong (or where we could grow). What felt great, […]

May Word of The Month: Shine

“Shine with all you have. When someone tries to blow you out, just take their oxygen and burn brighter.” ― Katelyn S. (Irons) Bolds I picked the WOM this month to reflect how we want to feel from our efforts during The Dailey Method Align & Shine Challenge. Make it a daily practice to take care […]

April Word of The Month: Kindle

“You Have the Power to Fulfill Your Dreams!” ― Tae Yun Kim Our Dailey Method word of the month for April is KINDLE. With the inception of Spring we think of rebirth, awakening and change. We all have this capacity within ourselves but we need the spark of desire, motivation and belief in order to […]

March Word of the Month: Deepen

I’m going to begin introducing a Dailey Method Studio owner each month as a guest blogger, to offer our communities more exposure to the inspiration, knowledge and lifestyles of Dailey Methods around the globe. Today I’m thrilled to introduce you to Carly Goidosik. She is the owner of the Birmingham, Michigan Studio and has written […]

February Word of the Month: Play

“Play is the highest form of research” – Albert Einstein This is a word that definitely resonates for me. I love to play. Laughing is a form of play and is one of my favorite things – to do, to hear and to inspire. Play = fun and who doesn’t like fun? There are quite […]

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