
BALANCE is our word of the month for September. I feel like it’s the perfect word for this time of year because fall is a time where summer vacations have ended, kids are back in school, work picks up full steam and finding a new rhythm of balance becomes increasingly challenging – but it’s essential for our well-being. To me, balance means giving and receiving equal support to the important people in your life (And yes…! The teachers above will “support” me in the next class I take with them EQUALLY!!). It means having a balanced focus on my body and mind – my heart and my soul. 

In the spirit of creating more balance myself, I asked a few Dailey Method Studio owners to share what “Balance” means to them and I loved their answers:

  • To balance on one foot, you have to find stillness in the rest of your Body first. To find balance in life, you have to find moments of stillness and quiet for your Mind first. -Christine Olson – Lamorinda, CA


  • Balance to me is a never ending struggle.  Making sure my kids are taken care of and are heard, making sure my students are making the most of their TDM journey AND making sure I take time to fill my own cup – daily workouts, time to reset, bubble baths and wine!  Stephanie Breaux Bradley – Lafayette, LA


  • Balance is: Knowing when to look up and let go, and when to look forward and hold on. -Brittany Schwartz – Mission/Castro, CA


  • Balance to me means a sense of ease and peace with my priorities (important relationships, with myself included, work and play). Carly Goidosik – Birmingham, MI


  • Joy in all my different “jobs”; business owner, wife, daughter, sister, being myself. Balance is pure joy and fulfillment in each of these jobs, without one taking from the other. -Taryn Fischermann – Newport Beach, CA


  • Being present in the moment, putting the phone down and taking time to be present with myself and my family. -Tami Conway – Bucktown, Lincoln Park and Northshore, IL


  • Balance for me personally is taking a day or two off each week from TDM and getting a hot yoga class or going salsa dancing 🙂 -Tenaya Figueira – Venice Beach, CA


  • Balance means I can laugh. -Jey Wyder – Vancouver/Kitsilano, CANADA


  • Balance to me is that sweet spot when I can breath in all that is beautiful and good in my life.  A feeling of contentment that comes not with perfection, but with everything being as it should be for the moment. -Kerry Corcoran – Berkeley/Piedmont/Lamorinda, CA


  • The first thing that comes to mind when I hear “Balance” is Ease, Happiness, Centeredness. It’s the right amount of effort yielding the right amount of reward. -Jessica Chilvers – Santa Rosa, CA


  • To me, balance means devoting time every week to quiet the world around me so I can be present with my kids, my work, my husband, and myself. Eventually they all integrate. The challenge is aligning them in an intentional way so I can appreciate the joy in each facet of my life. -Amber Foy – Naperville, IL


  • Balance is synergy and ultimate happiness from the inside out. -Michelle Oberto – Santa Barbara, CA


  • Balance, to me, means creating a life that allows me to enjoy what I am doing when I am doing it.       -Sarah Thompson – Ottawa, CANADA


  • Being in tune with my mind and body and understanding its needs. Then adjusting my actions and choices around my needs so I stay at grounded and centered. -Stephanie Firenze – Rancho Bernardo Poway, CA

So much inspiration, am I right?! Thank you, TDM owners, for acknowledging the importance of “Balance”  in your lives. I celebrate each of you for embracing Balance and for teaching it too!

Let’s make September all about getting Back to Balance…. Back to YOU!

