I’m currently writing this on a train from Burgundy to Paris as I’ve just spent almost two weeks at my sister and brother-in-law’s house in France. I’ve said it before – I’m not one for “New Year’s Resolutions” because I believe I should always be setting my best foot forward and putting thought into what I can do NOW to be my best self. So here are the intentions I would like to set for myself where I am right now.

The Dailey Method Blog l Resolutions

1. Definitely eat and drink less! I do believe in allowing myself to indulge when I’m on vacation and for special occasions but I was traveling for 18 days and for a majority of that time I was with my French brother in law in Burgundy. He is an incredible chef and wine was flowing everywhere (thank you Michel!) Now it’s back to MY routine- au revoir fromage et pain au chocolate.

2. Be present, be present, be present. Especially with my kids. I’ve worked on this, I’m better than I’ve been in the past, but I want to make sure that it’s something I always have as a primary focus so that I spend the best quality time with them as possible and model that behavior so they will grow up to be present beings too. This means getting off the phone, closing the computer, playing games, talking and communicating.

3. Be more efficient. I’m a very organized person when it comes to many things but one of my biggest detriments to getting work done efficiently is not being organized with paper work or things around me that need to be “picked up” or “straightened up.”  I need to sit down and get my files organized, my office organized, and create a calm, relaxing environment that enables me to settle my energy and get my best work done.  The house? I’d have to get rid of the kids before I can keep that completely organized, so I’ll keep them and allow myself to…

4. Be okay with chaos. I do tend to get uptight, frustrated, annoyed and not present when there is chaos around me. BUT, I have three kids, an enormous dog and a cat – chaos is inevitable! I’d like to put more intention into learning to take a few deep breaths and realize what’s really important right now – a clean kitchen counter is probably not the top priority. I think learning to be with a bit of a mess will allow me to be more at peace with myself.

5. Emotional connection. I recently did a retreat/workshop at Esalen in Big Sur with Raphael Cushnir. I highly recommend both the retreat center and the teacher. I’m amazed how hard emotionally connecting with ourselves and with others can be at times; for some people it’s almost impossible all of the time. I think I’m okay with this practice but definitely can get better. When I’m not feeling great about a situation, a relationship or my health, I’d like to be better about trying to connect with the emotion behind it. Feel it, sit with it, talk about it, write about it and acknowledge it. How are you feeling, where are you feeling it, can you be okay with it?

These are some of my focuses for right now and for 2015. What do you resolve to do right now?

— Jill