Inspire[ in-spahyuhr ]

verb (used w/ object), inspired, inspiring to produce or arouse, influence or impel (a feeling, thought, etc.):

to fill or affect with a specified feeling, thought, etc.


For 20 years, my primary intention for The Dailey Method has been to inspire people to be their best. We work hard to support and motivate our students and communities to become their best selves- both inside and out; so that we are all able to radiate that feeling outward into all areas of our lives. Imagine we are all a small cog in the wheel, and each personal and positive action we take collaboratively, with everyone else around us, generates more and more amazing positivity and energy. 

I’ll be honest, though- it’s tough for me to feel inspired right now with everything going on in our world. These are incredibly challenging times with so much uncertainty swirling around us. I feel like every day, something new comes to light that causes me concern, stress, worry. So I’m committing this month to hold onto the intention to find ways to feel inspired and keep that positivity flowing out because our world needs it more than ever right now! Let’s take the time to place our attention on the people, events, or things – both past and present – that inspire and have inspired us – to provide us the fuel to forge ahead towards a brighter future! 

We will always be most effective at supporting positivity around us if we first notice what we are inspired by. If it’s a person, tell them, doing so will lift them up and allow them the space to move that “feel-good” feeling forward. If it’s a thing, stop for a moment to take it in. It’s a sure way to pause long enough inside of gratitude so that you are present and more appreciative during the next task in your day. We all feel more inspired when we are noticed and acknowledged by others or when we can sit in the seat of thankfulness for the beautiful things we are surrounded by, no matter how trite they may seem.

This month, I challenge you to find something new to inspire you to grow, change, or expand. 

*Try a new recipe or a new way of cooking: I’m trying new slow cooker recipes to spend time in the AM preparing dinner and have the evening time more open to being present with my kids. 

*Take an art class: I was just introduced to this Instagram site @colortheorydesignco. I’m going to take a flower arranging class this month- to inspire the artist in myself, something that easily gets lost in my busyness.  

*Ask your friends for a book recommendation: I’m currently reading Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari, which is fascinating yet takes a lot of mental focus, so I’m balancing it out with another highly recommended book by a friend, The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris. I highly recommend both!

Find something that takes you out of your comfort zone and your everyday habits. Invite some beauty, creativity, or fun into your day. You will be surprised in the best possible way since this practice of shaking it up a bit has the potential to open you up to new thoughts or possibilities in your life and allows you to radiate.

In September, we highlighted the turning of our focus inward to discover some best practices for self-care and help us create more nurturing habits. For October and the remaining days of our annual challenge, we hope that you are able to take whatever little or large progress you made and allow that light and resulting rejuvenation to shine outward. This focus may help set you on a path to INSPIRE others to do the same! After all, the way we show up in the world (regardless of varying circumstances swirling around us) provides us our best chance at inspiring positive results in all areas of our own lives and potentially in those of everyone in our vicinity. The ripple effect is contagious! And I believe we all need some ripple right now!!

Here are some ways you can have inspiration in your Dailey practice:

*Allow yourself space in class today to inspire YOU by focusing on your legs during arm work, your glutes while doing abdominal work, or ease in places of effort. Notice places and spaces where a whole new world opens once you shift your energy onto an entirely different area. Plateaus in life and in exercise occur when we stop turning our attention on finding new perspectives or ways to explore them!

*Make a focal effort to STOP during an exercise and reset your alignment, deepen engagement, and then possibly a deeper position than you’ve ever hit before. It will give others permission to do the same, plus this ladder forms the very stepping stones to work you towards your edge, your goals, and beyond!

Thank you, Dailey Method community, for being an inspiration in my life and continuing this amazing journey alongside of me. I love hearing your stories of how this Method, and this Community is keeping you motivated and inspired. Please keep them coming! They help keep us all going. 

With love,
