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There is no doubt that the holidays can be a stressful time but the image above inspired me to think about the real reason for the holidays. Trying to take a step back from all the ‘busyness’ and ‘doing’ of the days leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas can help give some perspective about why we should savor instead of stress during this magical time of year.

My focus this season is to:

1. Be Present

The only moment we are ever guaranteed is NOW so I am really going to try to be more present this holiday season. When my mind starts thinking about the million things on my to-do list, I will try to notice that thought, and then take a closer look at what is happening in that very moment. I will try to appreciate who I am with and my surroundings instead of thinking ahead. When we are present, everyone around us benefits!

2. Savor the Opportunity

The holidays allow for the opportunity to spend time around friends, family and loved ones. It’s not everyday that we can all be together so instead of this being a stressor, I am going to try to savor the fact that I have all those people in my life.

3. Give Back

Living a Dailey Life is not just about physical movement, it is about helping others and giving back to your community so instead of only giving gifts this year, I want to focus a little more on giving back! And Giving Tuesday (December 1st) is the perfect day to focus on that. Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to to celebrating generosity and giving back. It’s a simple idea. Just find a way for your family or your community to come together to give something more.

I hope you find a way to enjoy and embrace the holidays this year!

— Jill