The word of the month for December is BELIEVE. Yes, I know it’s a little Polar Express, but I feel with the joy, anticipation, and stress that the Holiday season brings it’s a great word for reflection. 
Overall, my focus this month will be to believe in the good in myself and in others and to trust that through this process I will be able to open doors and create possibilities that may otherwise not be there.
In relation to class, I am going to believe in the power of my body, which is so smart. I am stronger than I think and each day I can achieve better alignment, get deeper in a position or hold a pose a little longer. 
For my kids I will try to instill the belief in the magic of the season. This doesn’t necessarily mean in Santa Claus (although I do hope I have another year or two with this for my youngest, Damian) but in love, generosity, hope and the importance of family and friends-which is what this season is truly about. I know that children believe what they see us do, not what they hear us say, so I will try to instill this through my own practice.
This month, I will believe that I am doing my best each day and that I am exactly where I am supposed to be. To trust and let go and see what will happen.
What will you believe in?

— Jill