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January Word of the Month: Fire

FIRE is our January Word of the Month to help you begin your great New Year. This month take the time to focus on the FIRE that is inside of you. The FIRE that sparks you to accomplish amazing things and be the brightest person possible, for yourself and for others. Here is some inner-fire […]

Fit Tip: How to Savasana Like a Pro

We end all of our classes with some form of savasana and we do so for a very important reason – savasana is the final outward expression of all we have done in class! I wanted savasana to be this month’s fit tip because I think it ties in perfectly with our word of the […]

Holiday Gift Ideas That Won't Break the Bank

It’s hard to believe the holidays are already here! I love this season for many reasons – giving, being one of them. And there are many ways to give that don’t have to break the bank! Here are a few of my favorite ideas: 1. Pass along favorite books you’ve read. A few of mine […]

December Word of the Month: SMILE!

The Dailey Method word of the month for December is SMILE! This is our 4th and last secondary alignment principle and my personal favorite! Smile…. why not? I enjoy smiling, being smiled at and making other people smile. I frequently smile at strangers. No matter how bad things are, if you smile you will feel […]

November Word of the Month: Support

  Photo Credit: Shutterstock   The word for November is SUPPORT, continuing the exploration of The Dailey Method Secondary Alignment Principles: Stability, Space, Support and Smile! SUPPORT comes from within. Just like The Dailey Method practice, support is an inside-out practice. There is a tendency to think of support as something I give or as […]

October Word of the Month: Space

Our word of the month for October is SPACE which is a continuation from September of The Dailey Method Secondary Alignment Principles: Stability, Space, Support and Smile! As we Align/Engage/Move (our primary alignment principles) we can get even deeper by putting intention on the “4S’s” mentioned above. In September we practiced STABILITY, focusing on foundation, […]

September Word of the Month: Stability

The past three months we’ve highlighted our Primary Alignment Principles at The Dailey Method: Align, Engage, and Move. Our word of the month for September is STABILITY, which begins our focus on The Dailey Method Secondary Alignment Principles: Stability, Space, Support and Smile (4S’s)!  Photo Credit As we Align, Engage and Move we can refine our practice and […]

August Word of the Month: Move

Photo Credit In The Dailey Method, we practice our three Primary Alignment Principles in order: 1) Align; 2) Engage and 3) Move. In June we focused on our base principle to ALIGN our bones in proper position; in July we practiced how to ENGAGE specific muscles to support our intentionally aligned bones. For the month […]

July Word of the Month: Engage

When we introduce a theme (or as we call it our “Dailey Dedication”) into our physical practice it can allow us to go deeper on so many levels. A dedication insinuates itself physically (into deeper muscle layers, tissue layers, even the cells of our body) and mentally (into our minds, hearts, thoughts and feelings) until […]

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