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July Word of the Month: Engage

When we introduce a theme (or as we call it our “Dailey Dedication”) into our physical practice it can allow us to go deeper on so many levels. A dedication insinuates itself physically (into deeper muscle layers, tissue layers, even the cells of our body) and mentally (into our minds, hearts, thoughts and feelings) until […]

June Word of the Month: Align

We talk about The Dailey Method as a physical practice and a “life practice” – but what does that really mean? It means that many of the things we practice in The Dailey Method are the same things we can practice in life – that small, intentional changes made in a class can trigger BIG […]

May Word of the Month: Appreciate

As with much in life, things happen for a reason. I originally chose Appreciate as the word of the month because this week is teacher appreciation week and I know how important it is for teachers, who work so hard and give so much, to get the appreciation they deserve. I appreciate the people I […]

April Word of the Month: #Happy

In honor of April and our word of the month, here are some things that make me #happy 10 things about life that make me #happy: Monday nights when Nico (my 12 year old daughter) makes dinner The peonies that just bloomed in my yard  #favoriteflower A cappucino That my children don’t have lice anymore […]

January Word of the Month: Practice

I feel this is a great word to focus on for January because it is generally a time where we set new goals or intentions for ourselves. I personally try to set a goal or two to create greater health, happiness or well being for myself. Rather than setting a goal that I can complete and […]

December Word of the Month: Believe

The word of the month for December is BELIEVE. Yes, I know it’s a little Polar Express, but I feel with the joy, anticipation, and stress that the Holiday season brings it’s a great word for reflection.  Overall, my focus this month will be to believe in the good in myself and in others and […]

November Word of the Month: Gratitude

November is the perfect month to focus on feeling and expressing gratitude. While it is important to be grateful on a daily basis, there is no better time to do that than when surrounded by family and friends during a holiday about giving thanks! Having gratitude for myself and for others is my intention this month. It’s […]

October Word of the Month: Support

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we have chosen “support” as the TDM Word of the Month for October. This month we hope to support, not only breast cancer patients, survivors and their families, but all of our students at The Dailey Method. To me support means to provide strength when it is needed, […]

September Word of the Month: Transition

September is always a time of transition. Long summer days give way to the change of pace that fall always brings. Kids go back to or start a new school for the first time, and we transition to a new routine or back into an old one. At the very least we all have to […]

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