April Word of the Month: Vibrant l The Dailey Method

VIBRANT is our April Word of the Month, and we believe that word defines exactly who we are *meant* to be. But sometimes we need to create space to remember who we really are, to be able to release what we are not, to allow our most vibrant selves to shine inside-out.

How about some SPRING CLEANING?!

What can we let go of? What can we say NO to, in order to make way for a bigger YES?

Here’s a list of things of options to consider releasing (-) and inviting (+) right now. Try just one or two this month.

  • – Doing / + Being
  • – Distraction / + Presence
  • – Mindless / + Mindful
  • – Effort / + Ease
  • – Tension / + Breath
  • – Fake foods / + Living foods
  • – Caffeine / + Green juice
  • – Sugar / + Sweetness
  • – Makeup / + Smiles
  • – Force / Accept
  • – Stuff / + Simplicity
  • – Criticism / + Empathy
  • – Stress / + Sleep
  • – Anger / + Passion
  • – Anxiety / + Energy
  • – Limitations / + Possibility
  • – Avoid / + Embrace
  • – Withholding / + Giving
  • – Safe / + Brave
  • – Stagnation / + Transformation
  • – Control / + Trust
  • – Conformity / + Weirdness
  • – Sameness / + Creativity
  • – Resist / + Allow
  • – Addiction / + Releasing
  • – Waiting / + Fueling
  • – Worrying / + Dreaming
  • – Gossip / + Support
  • – Spark / + Fire
  • – Dull / + Sparkle
  • – Weight / + Lightness
  • – Muted / + Vivid
  • – Grip / + Flow
  • – Body / + Soul
  • – Reacting / + Responding
  • – Preoccupation / + Meditation
  • – Head / + Heart
  • – Thinking / + Feeling
  • – Closing / + Opening
  • – Fear / + Love
  • – Failing / + Practicing
  • – No / + Yes!
  • – The things you aren’t passionate about / + THE DAILEY METHOD : )

Be spirited! Live boldly and passionately. Allow your most VIBRANT self to shine out this month.

Happy Spring Cleaning!!!


— Jill & Lorna

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