The last 7 weeks have given us all amazing opportunities to Learn. By being curious, open, and adaptable during this time I have had the opportunity to expand my base of knowledge in several different areas. One is learning how to give myself grace with my to-do list. Hence getting this blog out 6 days late! ?

Our studios, overnight, had to completely learn how to do business in a different way. And we did it. We weren’t experienced, we didn’t know what we were doing or how to do it but we worked as a team to figure it out – together. We had to get messy, make decisions quickly, and accept that they might not work. I am grateful for the Dailey Method team and owners for the collaboration and wisdom they provided for us all to be able to learn and pivot quickly so we could still provide The Dailey Method practice to our communities. 

One of my favorite hashtags is #alwaysbeastudent (I honestly believe I made it up!). I am going to continue to embrace it! 

We’ve had to learn how to stay home; set boundaries with our loved ones, rearrange the house, landscape the backyard, cook 3 meals a day (and not lose our minds with the number of dishes). We’ve had to learn how to break boredom through reading, puzzles, cooking, writing, and working out. We’ve had to learn to connect through technology so we can make “eye” contact with others. 

What has this sheltering in place allowed you to learn? An exercise I did recently when I was frustrated with our new norm and all of the unknown, was to reflect on and write down 5 things that this situation has taught me. I considered “would I have learned that skill or lesson if I was not in quarantine right now?” I know learning is all about an open mindset and the drive to continue to grow and expand. But I also know I have to continue to pay attention. When I look back at my list I notice if I can direct that learning to somewhere else in my life- potentially serving me for years to come whether personally or professionally.

I encourage you to get messy and to be open during this time. Allow yourself and others around you a lot of grace in possibly getting it wrong. Mistakes can be an amazing lesson too! Every day is changing, which means we are given an opportunity to learn every day. Challenge yourself to try a new skill, grow personally or professionally, focus on yourself and your growth. Learn as much as you can about yourself. And be OK with not having the perfect answer to everything. Challenge yourself and all your knowledge. You’re doing a great job. 

Here are a few ways you could focus on learning during your new-found workout regimes:

1) In the same way, we are all currently learning new things about what is important in our lives. I challenge you to use your practice today to truly tap in and learn what your body needs during this physical challenge. 

2) Listen and Learn! On these virtual platforms, we are relying on our auditory learning skills now more than ever. Notice if there is a place in class where you can simply close your eyes and just listen to learn what is coming next. 

Let’s grow together, beat this thing, and get stronger because of it!