Create: to bring (something) into existence

I love this word for this particular month. Not only is it officially summer, but also FINALLY, most parts of our world are opening up. With fewer commitments and restrictions, there is literally more space in our lives to focus on the beautiful creativity that lives within each and every one of us. 

Creativity is one of the 8 parts of our core self and I know that for me, I often neglect to prioritize it. It’s because life is incredibly busy and seems to always be moving at such a fast pace. This reality leaves me with a limited capacity to step back and allow my creative juices to flow. Instead of carving out the time, I tend to move forward with whatever task is at hand. However, I realize that we gain a ton of gifts from making space in our lives to cultivate the new. It can actually serve as the fuel we need to complete a project, solve other things, and move us into a space of innovation not only in our work but also in our minds. When our minds are open, we all know that we have a much higher capacity to dream, imagine, or even formulate a plan to move those ideas to fruition.

Additionally, building and honing creativity is exciting and motivating. It’s a pertinent part of the way we train our teachers at TDM. We give them guidelines due to the structure that we have designed for the most effective results for our students, yet within that formula we teach, encourage and inspire our staff to be creative. Each teacher has the opportunity to let their personality, creativity, and energy flow through. This keeps it exciting for everyone!

I know I am creative. I created TDM and have continually had the opportunity within this platform to constantly create. I feel fortunate, yet I continue to want to stretch myself and explore other areas of creativity within me. My deepest intentions are to create the way I live my life, show up for my family, and bring to life the vision of my business to forever thrive. I aim to be present, curious, and intentional in creating the roadmap towards success and fulfillment in each of these areas.

In reading about creativity, I found this to be fascinating. In this Scientific American article, “researchers found that only creativity—not intelligence or overall openness—decreased mortality risk. One possible reason creativity is protective of health is because it draws on a variety of neural networks within the brain.” If that doesn’t encourage you to try it, what will?

While reflecting on how I aim to add creativity into my month, I came up with a few ideas that may spark the creative spirit in you!

  • Create a change in your environment. Plant a garden, buy some living plants for your space, or rearrange a room in your house. This type of creativity can be highly cathartic and also serves as a reminder of how altering some small thing in our life has the potential to remind us of how possible it is to make a shift in anything. 
  • Make a vision board – I know it’s the middle of the year, but it IS the beginning of something. I hadn’t finished my own vision board since January, and last week I sat down to do it. I love how my intentions have shifted from 6 months ago to what they are now. I’m certain I’m not alone in saying that there’s been a lot of change in my life in the last few months, and taking the time to envision what you really want often helps you achieve it. My vision board is on the wall, so I can see it from my bed and the chair I often work in. It’s a constant reminder. 
  • Create a ritual! (I love rituals!) They are grounding, add consistency to our lives and open up opportunities for connection within ourselves and others. It doesn’t have to be huge. Maybe make it as simple as having a pizza movie night every Friday with the kids or as challenging (yet rewarding) as committing to finally creating some sort of meditation practice. 
  • Create boundaries! (This is a powerful way to CREATE!!) When we set boundaries, we position ourselves to look at the limitless possibilities in front of us and decide those we align with, and understand the ones we need to eliminate to create our best self. Commit to remain on a true path that serves you. Sometimes, or oftentimes, we need to say No to say Yes to something else. 

Creativity takes courage, so allow yourself to be vulnerable in this internal expression! Keep in mind that there are so many opportunities to be creative and that it doesn’t have to be a big project. 

Take time for yourself.

Pick up a piece of paper and a pen (or watercolors, charcoal, or paints) and allow your creativity to emerge. 

Although it may feel awkward and imperfect the first time, trust that making a habit of injecting your life with a creative streak will open opportunities for you to get out of your head and realign you with your deeper self. You may discover something you’re good at or find a hobby that you are passionate about, which grounds you. Doing so may even support you in making a much-needed change in your life.

In July and onward, I would love to hear your thoughts and know how creativity lights you up from the inside!

