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Word of the Month: Compassion

  If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. Dalai Lama Compassion is a hot topic right now. And that absolutely lights me up. I feel like I inherently am, and definitely want to be, a compassionate person. But that is not always the easiest route. […]

Word of the Month: Appreciate

I’m personally very excited about The Dailey Method word of the month for November – Appreciate. It’s been a strong focus in my life recently and I’m grateful for the opportunity to talk about it. Appreciation plays such an important role with respect to loving ourselves and others. When we focus on what we honor […]

Word of the Month: Shine

Be true to your heart… put your whole heart and soul into it, and then whatever you do, it will shine through. Jamie Brewer We chose the word of the month SHINE to correlate with our challenge and have named our annual challenge with two words that I believe sum up what we strive to […]

Word of the Month: Envision

Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.  Joy Page As I get back into somewhat of a rhythm every Fall, I like to envision the energy and intention I hope to bring to this new season. Kid routines, work commitments, balancing time both for my family and myself […]

Fit Tip- 5 Minutes to Fitness

We think of August as a relaxing and fun time where we can still play and are able to enjoy the end of our summer. Right? That is definitely not how I’m feeling at the moment! My kids are about to head back to school and rather than feeling as though a break is near, […]

Word of the Month: Play

Yes, I’m late with this blog because I’m taking our August Word of the Month – Play- very seriously. I’m enjoying three different trips in three weeks, with work interspersed (cannot completely escape that!), but I’m definitely prioritizing Play! I believe that summer is a time to relax and to be with our friends and […]

Fit Tip- Find Deeper Connection in Flat Back Floor

    Flat back floor (FBF) is potentially my favorite abdominal exercise! Over the 18 years that The Dailey Method has been practicing this exercise it has continued to be refined, possibly more than any of the others, due to its complexities and its benefits. Yes, we’ve geeked out on it a bit-but with that […]

Fit Tip: Discover deeper alignment in Reverse Plank by using your breath.

TDM Master teacher trainer Maggie Calegari in Reverse Plank   Reverse plank is a very challenging position, especially when done correctly, and it’s one of my favorite challenges to add into a class. Reverse plank works your entire body and emphasizes chest opening with the added benefits of gaining powerful back body strength. Here’s your […]

Word of the Month: Discover

WOM: Discover Challenges make you discover things about yourself that you never really knew. Cicely Tyson I love this picture of Master Teacher Trainer, Katina Griffin. It shows the power and capabilities we have to discover our own personal edge. There is so much thought and integration working throughout her entire body to hold this […]

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