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Fit Tip: Postural support through scapular strength

Great posture is something everyone would like to achieve. But it’s difficult for many because they haven’t been properly taught how. We’re generally instructed to: strengthen our back muscles work on core strength; primarily abdominal exercises stand up straight draw shoulder blades together and down your back All of these (except possibly #4 if done […]

WOM: Action

Word of the Month: Action A dream becomes a goal when action is taken toward its achievement. – Bo Bennett   This week I’m integrating back into my business after the annual Dailey Method Owners Summit; which is possibly my favorite weekend of the year. I love to see and be in the same room […]

The Dailey Method Fit Tip/ Parallel Squat

Fit tip/Parallel Squat Knowledge is power! At The Dailey Method we understand that the more knowledge we can give you, the more power you each have to continually evolve within and deepen your practice. Education is a primary key to changing the way we all move for the better. Take Parallel Squat as an example: […]

WOM- Change

Change is a great word for April because it’s a time of year when we experience natural shifts around us that encourage us to change certain winter behaviors. The weather begins to move to warmer days and nights which instigates change in our activities. We move from indoor to more outdoor activities, we shift our […]

September Word of the Month : Conviction

“Strong convictions precede great actions.” -James Freeman Clarke Belief. It can oftentimes be more powerful than reality. It can even change, shift and influence reality. Though it is intangible, we can never underestimate what belief can do. That is why in September at The Dailey Method we will focus on a more deeply-held belief – Conviction. When […]

A New Method Move That Will Change Your Life Forever

We’ve all heard of the infamous Waterski… and we get our glorious glutes from the Fold-over… but have you ever heard of the “Lean In?” This is the most important exercise yet. The “Lean In” move is a practice in vulnerability which helps create deep and meaningful relationships. I know, I know – “But that […]

What You Need to Know About Align & Shine

Let’s do this. The challenge that brings out the best in you begins in just 3 weeks – Align & Shine! To help in your journey, here are the top things to know about the challenge: WHO Align & Shine is available to ANY existing or new Dailey Method student at the following locations. There […]

It's time! Align & Shine 2017

While we emphasize health and holistic well-being all year round at the Dailey Method, we are particularly excited for our Align & Shine Challenge – a time to revisit intentions and rekindle our commitment to take care of ourselves. Last year, during the four weeks of the International Align & Shine Challenge, we saw transformation […]

August Word of the Month : Capacity

“We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are.”                                                                                     […]

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