
The change of seasons, for me, is a time of reflection and anticipation of what’s ahead. It’s also a time of year that I take stock of all the things I’ve accomplished, the milestones my children have reached and is a time to acknowledge the things I’ve done well so that I have the motivation and excitement to tackle the areas in my life that I feel need more of my attention. It seems the appropriate time for our first ever DaileyFest celebration commemorating the birth of The Dailey Method 15 years ago!

Tomorrow in The Presidio, we are gathering with our Bay Area community and San Francisco passerbys for DaileyFest

and are offering free classes, fun connection, food and giveaways to allow for all of you to share in The Dailey Method’s success because without all of you, the creation of this amazing workout would not be what it is. In the excitement building up to DaileyFest we’ve been hashtagging #livingadaileylife to convey moments that we associate with the life we strive to live within our Dailey Method community. What does #livingadaileylife mean to me?

To me #livingadaileylife is about body, mind and spiritual health and translates to the quality that I hope to bring to each day of my life and to the life of those I love.

Being in the midst of a 30 day challenge and on the 30 clean (sign up!)  I’m constantly reminded of the power of taking care of my physical body. It’s amazing how wonderful I feel and the energy that goes along with it when I eat clean and accomplish my goal of taking 4-5 classes per week, as well as getting sleep when I know it is what my body needs. To help achieve optimal health, I strive for the following things:

  • To take time for a quiet or meditative practice
  • To hike in nature or walk Toney (my awesome dog) 2-3 times per week
  • To share conversation and a glass of wine with a friend
  • To connect with my family

To hug my kids, laugh with them, and to make sure they know how deeply they are loved

In addition, I find that taking time to express gratitude goes a long way in achieving health of the mind and spirit. With the anticipation of DaileyFest, and the coming Fall season, I am grateful to our entire TDM community. It truly is amazing to see what we’ve all accomplished together in 15 years.

What does #livingadaileylife mean to you? Let us see your posts! Share and inspire us. And hopefully I’ll see you on the lawn tomorrow!