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“Our intention creates our reality.” – Wayne Dyer

With the onset of each New Year, there is always discussion about what your resolutions are.  What you’re going to do differently this year as opposed to the last. The definition of resolutions is, “a firm decision to do or not do something” and speaking for myself, I know that’s a difficult goal to achieve.

I am going to start 2016 focusing more on intentions – what I’m intending to lean into, move toward or away from – in order to create a more positive energy or better flow in my life. This is why INTENTION is our Word of the Month for The Dailey Method for January.

While a resolution usually focuses on the act of solving a problem, intention is an aim or purpose that focuses on the act of moving towards alignment. A resolution tends to focus energy on the negative, thinking about what we don’t want or need to change whereas an intention focuses energy on the positive, inviting what we do want or who we feel we ultimately can be.

A metaphor that works here is preparing for a life journey: preparing with resolutions would involve more focus on the end results or destination. Preparing with intention is more akin to using an internal compass to feel and set an energetic direction – then letting go.

An intention trusts that the right path (destination, results) will unfold as long as we are tuned into that inner compass.

“When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” – Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist.

This is a great classic book I’m currently reading and highly recommend. It was a gift from Scott Dinsmore’s memorial. It teaches that if we choose a positive inner-direction, our path continuously reveals and unfolds accordingly and the idea of ‘intention’ is far more concerned with inner-being than outer-results. You could also think of your intentions as your personal life vision.

Here are some thoughts on how we can practice different intentions both in our Dailey practice and collectively in our daily life.


  • While in class make the intention to focus on your foundation. In other words, root down with whichever part of your body is in contact with the floor, generally feet, hands, sacrum or spine. At the start of each new exercise and whenever you’re feeling out of alignment or need deeper engagement focus on foundation.
  • In life give time and focus on fostering the relationships with your family. I’m going to call my mom more often.


  • In class be kind to yourself. Some days we’re tired, sore or need to take it easier. Notice and accept these things about yourself.
  • When you’re challenged in life, try to notice when others might need a smile or your help. I recently had an experience where I needed help and didn’t get it. My challenge was to remain kind to those around me and not reflect unhelpfulness towards me. To learn from it and maintain my standards of behavior towards others versus taking offense and making those around me suffer.


  • Foster a good relationship with yourself while in class. When you look in the mirror notice the things you love about your body versus the things you want to change.
  • Relationships with others can help us truly see ourselves. Make time for the people in your life that help you grow.


  • BE in the room. Stay focused with your breath and yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others.
  • Move through personal interactions with focus. I have a tendency to “not have time” for slowing down. To truly see and listen. When I do, I usually learn something.


  • Some days we’re tired or have too much work to do. If we try to cram it all in, our day could become overwhelming. It’s okay to skip a day. Other days you need to take the time for YOU and let work go so we can get a class in. You will always feel better afterwards.
  • Easy to reflect on this after the holidays right? Eat less, drink less, exercise more. That’s what we tell ourselves. Moderation is something I do strive towards. And so it is my strong intention to aim for moderation rather than a set of inflexible, unattainable resolutions.


  • Say “I can!” This is a common inspiration by teachers for students, to help you through the last variation of your third set of thigh work. Say it to yourself. I’m strong enough!
  • This is where vision really can come into play with intention. Where do you want to be in 1 year, in 5 years? Believe that it will happen. Believe in your fate. Lean into your vision. Then create small intentional steps that will ultimately help lead you there.

Knowledge: Always be a student.

  • Learn the names of exercises, learn the points of foundation, learn what you need in your own body to get the support to feel your strongest throughout class, learn your edge and how to push through it with self-care.
  • Be around people and expose yourself to situations that will both enrich and challenge you.

With love and great intentions!

— Jill Dailey